Perovskites, crystals and Ceramics

(september 2018)

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36-   Evidence of magnetoelectric coupling in 0.9BiFeO3-0.1Ba [Ti0.95(Yb0.5Nb0.5)0.05]O3 ceramic  (paper)

A. Amouri, S. Aydi, N. Abdelmoula, H. Dammak and H. Khemakhem, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 739 (2018) 1065-1079. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.12.101

The physical properties of the Multiferroïc lead-free 0.9BiFeO3-0.1Ba[Ti0.95(Yb0.5Nb0.5)0.05]O3 ceramic were investigated by in-situ Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), dielectric measurements and Raman scattering. Both BiFeO3 and 0.9BiFeO3-0.1Ba[Ti0.95(Yb0.5Nb0.5)0.05]O3 ceramics underwent in-situ Mössbauer spectroscopy in the temperature range of 300 K to 653 K and the parameters of hyperfine interactions were determined. The magnetic transition temperature TN of our doped sample was of 568 K, which was lower than that of BiFeO3 ...

35-  Average vs. local structure and composition-property phase diagram of K0.5Na0.5NbO3-Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 system  (paper)

LJ. Liu, M. Knapp, H. Ehrenberg, L. Fang, HQ. Fan, LA. Schmitt, H. Fuess, M. Hoelzel, H. Dammak, …, J. European Ceramic Society 37, 1387 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2016.11.024

Phase diagram of the solid solution system K0.5Na0.5NbO3- Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3 [(1-x)KNN-xBNT] has been established from dielectric permittivity measurement and structure analyses. The unit cell volumes continuously decrease depending on the composition, while the local structure maintains distortions away from the cubic average structure in the range 0.10 <= x <= 0.90. No clear correspondence for the temperatures of phase transition exists between structural studies and physical properties. The dielectric behavior is depicted successively from normal ferroelectric, diffuse phase transition, re-entrant-like relaxor, relaxor + dipolar glass-like relaxor, BNT-like relaxor with the increase of BNT ...

34-  Dielectric evidence of persistence of polar nanoregions within the ferroelectric phases of (1-x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 - xPbTiO3 relaxor ferroelectric system  (paper)

M. A. Hentati, H. Dammak, H. Khemakhem, N. Guiblin and M. P. Thi., J. App. Phys. 113, (2015) 034104. DOI: 10.1063/1.4926877

The electromechanical and structural properties of [001] and [111]-oriented PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3 -6% PbTiO3 (PZN - 6% PT) single crystals have been characterized using dielectric spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, depolarization current, and piezoelectric techniques from 80K to 300 K. Both unpoled and poled samples show a dielectric loss peak located in the range from 100 to 200 K. The poled samples show a change in the slope of the real part of the dielectric permittivity and a broad, frequency dependent peak in the imaginary part below 200 K. In the same temperature range, we observed a broadening of the Bragg peaks, fluctuations in the macroscopic polarization, and a change in the rate of decrease in the elastic compliance and the d31 piezoelectric coefficient…

33-  Role of Zinc and Niobium in the Giant Piezoelectric Response of PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3  (paper)

A. Al-Zein, H. Dammak, P. Papet, O. Mathon, B. Hehlen, C. Levelut, J. Haines, J. Rouquette, Inorganic Chemistry, 53 (2014) 3985. DOI: 10.1021/ic402409f

Relaxor ferroelectric perovskites are highly polarizable and can exhibit giant coupling between elastic strain and an applied electric field. Here, we report an in situ extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) study of a PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3 (PZN) single crystal as a function of the electric field. We show that the strong dipoles in the NbO6 octahedra bonds are aligned along the four < 011 > directions close to the orientation of the electric field, while a small reversible polar shift occurs for Zn in the direction of the electric field, i.e., positive or negative. This reversible Zn-O polar shift is proposed to play an important role in both the "easy" switching of the ferroelectric polarization and the giant piezoelectric effect in PZN.

32-  Dielectric properties and phase transitions of [001], [110], and [111] oriented  Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-6%PbTiO3 single crystals  (paper)

M. A. Hentati, H. Dammak, H. Khemakhem and M. P. Thi., J. App. Phys. 113, (2013) 244104. DOI: 10.1063/1.4812327

Phase transformations of [001], [110], and [111] oriented Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-6%PbTiO3 (PZN-6%PT) single crystals have been investigated by means of dielectric permittivity and loss, x-ray diffraction and depolarization current as function of temperature (from 250 to 500 K). The unpoled samples undergo R-T-C phase transition sequence during zero field heating (ZFH), where R, T, and C are rhombohedral, tetragonal, and cubic phases, respectively. Under electric field (0.5 kV/cm), an intermediate orthorhombic (O) phase is induced between the T and R phases in the field cooling (FC) process. This phase reappears during subsequent zero field heating of the poled sample (zero field heating after field cooling: ZFHaFC). The existence range of this O phase depends on both the crystal orientation and the measurement conditions (FC or ZFHaFC). Finally, for the [001] direction, it was found that the piezoelectric activity of the intermediate phase is the highest.

31-  Dielectric characteristic of nanocrystalline Na0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramic green body  (paper)

L. Liu, H.Q. Fan, L. Fang, H. Dammak and M. P. Thi., J. Electroceramics, 28 (2012) 144. DOI: 10.1007/s10832-012-9695-6

30-  Orthorhombic to tetragonal structural phase transition in Na0.5K0.5NbO3-based ceramics  (paper)

L. Liu, Y.M. Huang, Y.H. Li, L. Fang, H. Dammak, H.Q. Fan and M. P. Thi., Material Letters, 68 (2012) 300. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2011.10.103

29- Effect of mechanical activation on the structure and ferroelectric property of Na0.5K0.5NbO3 (paper)

L. Liu, M. Wu, Y. Huang, L. Fang, H. Fan, H. Dammak and M. P. Thi., Mater. Res. Bull. 46 (2011) 1467. DOI: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2011.05.001

28- Intrinsic effect of Mn doping in PZN-12%PT single crystals (paper)

 M. A. Hentati, M. Guennou, H. Dammak, H. Khemakhem and M. Pham Thi, J. App. Phys. 107 (2010) 064108. DOI: 10.1063/1.3331817

In this work we study the influence of manganese doping on the electromechanical properties of PZN–12%PT single crystal. The full electromechanical tensor of doped PZN–12%PT in the tetragonal single domain state is determined by the resonance-antiresonance method. Doping leads to a decrease in the dielectric transverse permittivity e_11 and of the shear piezoelectric coefficient d15. We show by dielectric constant e_33  measurements that the single domain state in doped crystal is stable in plates as thin as 90 mm, whereas it was unstable in plates thinner than 300 mm for the undoped crystals. This intrinsic effect is discussed by using a volume effect model based on the symmetry conforming principle of point defects. [Ren, Nature Mater. 3, 91 (2004)]. Mn doping forces the stability of PZN–12%PT single domain state, which makes the doped crystal a most suitable candidate than the pure crystal for high frequency ultrasonic medical imaging probe.

27- Grain size effect on electromechanical properties and non-linear response of dense nano and microstructured PIN-PT (paper)

K. Alilat,  M. Pham Thi, H. Dammak, C. Bogicevic,A.  Albareda, M. Doisy, J.Eur. Crem. Soc. 30 (2010) 1919-1924. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2010.03.010

26- Effects of Na/K evaporation on electrical properties and intrinsic defects in Na0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramics

L. J. Liu, H. Q. Fan, L. Fang, X. L. Chen, H. Dammak, M. PhamThi. Mater. Chem. Phys.  117 (2009) 138. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2009.05.024 (paper)

 25- Non Linear Properties of Dense PIN-PT Ceramics (article.)

Mai Pham Thi, Karima Allilat, Hichem Dammak, Laurent Lebrun, Martine Doisy , Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1110 © 2009 Materials Research Society . 1110-C03-04  

 24- Electromechanical properties of single domain PZN–12%PT measured by three different methods

Mael Guennou, Hichem Dammak, Philippe Djémia, Philippe Moch, Pham-Thi Mai , Solid State Sciences, 11, (2009) . (doi:10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2009.03.026)


 23- 2T Domain-engineered Piezoelectric Single Crystals: Calculations and Application to PZN-12%PT Poled Along [101]

M. Guennou, H. Dammak and M. Pham Thi , Journal of Applied Physics 104 (2008) 074102-7


 22- Full tensorial characterization of PZN-12PT single crystal by resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy

T. Delaunay, E. Le Clézio, M. Guennou, H. Dammak, M. Pham Thi, G. Feuillard. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL    Volume: 55    Issue: 2    Pages: 476-488    Published: FEB 2008


 21- Phase transition and piezoelectric response under electric field in PMN-PT crystals

Haixia Wang, H. Dammak, Philippe Gaucher and Brahim Elouadi , J Electroceram (2008)


 20- Étude du frittage non-conventionnel de céramiques de type YAG:Nd en présence d’ajout de silice

C. Sallé, A. Maître, J.F. Baumard, Y. Rabinovitch, C. Bogicevic, F. Karolak, H. Dammak et C. Estournès.

Matériaux & Techniques 95, 241-249 (2007)


 19- Freeze – Dried Nanometric Neodymium doped YAG Powders for Transparent Ceramics

Y. Rabinovitch, C. Bogicevic, F. Karolak, D. Tétard, H. Dammak

Journal of materials processing technology, 199 (2008) 314-320 (5 pages)


 18- Orthorhombic and monoclinic ferroelectric phases investigated by Raman spectroscopy in PZN-4.5%PT and PZN-9%PT crystals

M. El Marssi and H. Dammak, Solid State Communications, 142 (2007) 487 article

Polarized Raman spectra measurements have been performed on oriented single crystals of Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.955Ti0.045]O3 (PZN-4.5%PT) and Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 (PZN-9%PT) poled by an electric field along the  pseudo-cubic direction in order to determine the nature of the induced ferroelectric phases. Under field-cooled (FC) conditions the ferrolectric phase transition sequence, tetragonal-orthorhombic-rhombohedral, was observed in PZN-4.5%PT. Comparison beween the phase transitions induced in PZN-9%PT and PZN-4.5%PT crystals in FC shows that the low temperature ferroelectric phase in PZN-9%PT can not be orthorhombic and it can be attributed to the monoclinic phase. The characteristic temperatures found by Raman spectroscopy correspond to those obtained by dielectric measurements and by X-ray diffraction reported previously.

17.   Thickness dependence of electromechanical properties of PZN-xPT single crystals :

H. Dammak, M. Guennou, C. Ketchazo, M. Pham-Thi, F. Brochin, T. Delaunay, P. Gaucher, E. Le Clézio and G. Feuillard, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, July 30 to August 02, 2006, Page(s):249 - 252. article

We studied the electromechanical properties of PMN-PT and PZN-PT single crystal plates poled along [001] with thickness t ranging from 800 down to 70 mm. In the case of the tetragonal single domain state (1T), the properties of the thickness mode remain stable down to 250 mm. Below 250 mm, an instability of the polarization is shown.  The plates exhibit regions where polarization lies in the plane of the plates. These emergence of these regions results in an additional shear mode at a frequency close to that of the thickness mode, an important increase of the dielectric constants eS33 and eT33  and a decrease of the coupling-factor kt and longitudinal wave velocity vD33t. In the rhombohedral multidomain state (4R) a moderate variation of kt can be observed while eS33 increases with decreasing thickness. The increase of the dielectric constant in the 4R state is also related to an additional shear mode. When t decreases, the volume ratios of each domain family are not equal, leading to a tilt of the average spontaneous polarization away from the poling electric field. Consequently the modification of the domain structure for thin plates leads to a change of the electromechanical properties.

16.   Role of Mn doping on the Electromechanical Properties of [001] Domain Engineered Single crystals :

M. Guennou, H. Dammak, M. Pham-Thi and P. Gaucher, 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, July 30 to August 02, 2006, Page(s):265 - 268, article

We studied the influence of Mn doping on electromechanical properties of PZN-xPT with x = 7% and 9%. Single crystals oriented along the [111], [011] and [001] directions were poled by a "field cooling" process with an applied electric field of 1 kV/cm. It is shown that Mn doping has a significant influence on the single domain crystals in both cases. It modifies the phase symmetry of single domain PZN-7PT from orthorhombic to rhombohedral. It reduces permittivity perpendicular to polarization direction of single domain PZN-9PT by about 40%. This change in the properties of the bulk material is the main cause for the decrease of permittivity observed in [001] poled PZN-9PT crystals. Further effects of doping on the properties of [001] domain engineered crystals are a decrease of the piezoelectric coefficient, a hardening of the material and an increase of the mechanical quality factor.

15.   Fine grains ceramics of PIN-PT, PIN-PMN-PT and PMN-PT systems: Drift of the dielectric constant under high electric field :

M. Pham-Thi, C. Augier, H. Dammak and P. Gaucher, Ultrasonics. 44  (2006) e627-e631 (5 pages). World Congress On Ultrasonics (WCU), 28-September 1st , 2005 Beijing. article

Lead-based ferroelectric ceramics with (1-x)Pb(B1 B2)O3xPbTiO3 formula have emerged as a group of promising materials for various applications like ultrasonic sonars or medical imaging transducers [Y.H. Chen, K. Uchino, J. Appl. Phys. (2001) 3928–3933].(1-x)PMN–xPT, (1-x)PIN–xPT and ternary solutions xPINyPMNzPT ceramics are synthesised using the solid state reaction method [Y. Hosono, Y. Yamashita, H. Sakamoto, N. Ichinose, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 42 (2003) 5681–5686]. Our objective is to achieve higher structural transition temperatures than those of PMN–PT ceramics with as good dielectric, piezoelectric and electromechanical properties. Ceramics capacitance and loss tangent are measured when the ac field of measurement increases up to E = 0.5 kV/mm. Behaviours of these materials under ac field are related to their coercive field and Curie temperature.


14.   Easy induction of a ferroelectric fourfold monoclinic domain state from a tetragonal ferroelectric monodomain state in PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3.:

A. Lebon, H. Dammak and G. Calvarin , J. Phy : Condens. Matter. 17 (2005) 6385-6391 (7 pages). article

We report a combined pyroelectric, dielectic and structural characterization of PZN single crystals in field cooling (FC) run along [001]. The pyroelectric current and the dielectric permittivity show a new characteristic temperature, at T » 370 K, related to a macroscopic competition between two induced ferroelectric tetragonal (T) and monoclinic (M) phases. The phase transition, which starts around TC-R = 385 K, spreads over a large temperature range and some amount of T-phase is still observed at room temperature (RT). The M-T phase mixture, induced below TC-R, is stable after field removal. According to a previous Raman scattering work, a fourfold symmetry of M-domains is proposed; the residual T-phase is stabilized by the coexistence of four symmetry-allowed M-domains arranged around [001]. Our results confirm the flatness of the free energy of relaxor-ferroelectrics and their capability to zap from one polar order to another as a function of the poling direction and of the temperature range.

13.     Frequency dependence of electromechanical properties of PZN-xPT single crystals: article

T. Delaunay, E. Le Clézio, H. Dammak, P. Gaucher, M. Pham Thi, M. Lethiecq and G. Feuillard

Journal de Physique IV , 128 (2005) 161-167. (7 pages)

In this paper, the frequency behaviour of electro-mechanical properties of PZN-xPT single crystals with compositions close to the morphotropic phase boundary is studied at frequencies up to 100 MHz. Properties are deduced from the fit of the electrical input impedance, theoretically calculated with the KLM equivalent circuit model, to experimental data. To measure the electrical impedance of a crystal, its surfaces have first to be metallized. For very thin samples, this metallization may influence the resonances and alter the property identification. A theoretical study is thus performed to quantify the influence of the electrodes on the crystal vibrations. The results show that, even for high frequencies, their effects are negligible. In a second part, the evolution with frequency of the single crystal characteristics is studied. The properties are identified in a frequency bandwidth centered on the resonances, from the fundamental to the 21th harmonic. The study shows the stability of the electromechanical properties versus the frequency. Finally, the mechanical and dielectric loss tangents are quantified.

12.   Phase diagram of high Tc Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O-3-PbTiO3 ceramics: article

C. Augier, M. Pham Thi, Hichem Dammak and P. Gaucher

Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (12): 2429-2432 (2005) (4 pages).

Dense (1-x)Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-xPbTiO3 ceramics were synthesised by hot forging and thermal grain growth. (1-x)PIN-xPT phase diagram was investigated by X-ray diffraction and dielectric meausurements. The morphotropic phase boundary zone was found to be between a rhombohedral phase region for low PT contents and a tetragonal phase region for high PT contents, i.e. in the 0.34-0.39 x range. A mixture of tetragonal and probably monoclinic phases was observed for x=0.37 at room temperature.

11.   Electric field induced orthorhombic phase in PZN-4.5%PT single crystals : article

A-E. Renault, H. Dammak, G. Calvarin, P. Gaucher and M. Pham Thi.

J.  Appl. Phys. 97(4), 044105 (2005) (6 pages).

The ferroelectric phase transition sequence of [01], [001] and [111]-oriented PZN-4.5%PT single crystals was investigated, between 300 and 450 K, as a function of E-field applying protocol. At zero E-field, PZN-4.5%PT exhibits the following phase transitions: cubic (C)®tetragonal (T)® Rhombohedral (R), in cooling run. Dielectric and X-ray diffraction combined measurements, performed under E-field on a [01]-oriented single crystal, show that an intermediate orthorhombic (O) ferroelectric phase is induced between the T and R ones. The temperature range of the induced O phase depends strongly both on the direction and on the protocol (FC, ZFHaFC or FH) of E-field applying. When E-field is applied along [01], it varies from 40K (FC under 100kV/m) to 15 K (ZFHaFC); when E-field is applied along [001] or [111], it is much narrower (< 15 K), to such an extent that the O phase is not observed in FH for [001] and in FC for [111].

10.   Orientation Distribution and Fiber Texture of Highly Oriented Piezoceramics: PMN-PT System: article

M. Pham Thi, H. Hemery, O. Durand and Hichem Dammak

Japanease Journal of Applied Physiscs: 43(12) (2004) 8190 (5 pages).

Textured (1-x)PbMg1/3Nb2/3-(x)PbTi03, (PMN-xPT), ceramics were synthesised by homo-epitaxial template grain growth (HTGG) using PMN-PT nano-particles and cubic templates. Orientation of the templates was obtained during tape casting. The texture fraction of ceramics was estimated by the Lotgering method at RT and above Tc. Textured Tape Cast Ceramics display quasi complete (001) texture (f=0.99) in the cubic phase. The (111) pole figure reveals (001) fibre texture in accordance with optical observation. The texture was obtained in all the volume and only small misorientation was observed.

9.Origin of the Giant Piezoelectric Properties in the [001] Domain Engineered Relaxor Single Crystals : article

H. Dammak, A.-E. Renault, P. Gaucher, M. Pham Thi and G. Calvarin

Japanease Journal of Applied Physiscs :  42(10) (2003) 6477-6482.

Relaxor single crystals PZN-9%PT have been cut and poled along [01] direction for which the spontaneous polarization Ps is approximately parallel to the poling field Ep. The piezoelectric matrix of the monoclinic single-domain (1M state) has been determined, in the approximation of an orthorhombic symmetry. The shear mode (15) along [101], gives the highest electromechanical coupling factor k15 (>80%) and the largest piezoelectric coefficient d15 (~3200 pC/N). The properties of the disoriented 1M state have been calculated from a change of axes. The maximum of  is obtained along a direction close to [001]. This is due to the very large value of d15 compared to d33 in the basic 1M state. On the other hand the transverse piezoelectric coefficient along [uv0] for the [001] disoriented Ps single domain presents a strong anisotropy. Finally, in the [001] domain engineered configuration, an important extrinsic contribution of the domain coexistence is evidenced by comparing calculated and measured coefficients.

8.Tetragonal and rhombohedral induced polar order from the relaxor state of PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3 : article

A. Lebon, H. Dammak and G. Calvarin

J. Phy : Condens. Matter : Vol 15, 3069 (2003).

Structural and dielectric characterizations of the relaxor ferroelectric PbZn1/3Nb2/3O3 (PZN) were carried out on single crystals in the temperature range of the dielectric anomaly (370 K< T < 440 K), under dc-electric field applied along [001] and [111] directions. Two ferroelectric phases, tetragonal (T) and rhombohedral (R), can be field induced in this temperature range, the symmetry of which depends on the direction of the applied field, [001] and [111] respectively. (E-T) diagrams were built and interpreted under the consideration of polar nano regions (PNR) with a prominent tetragonal component. These PNRs prevent the onset of a monodomain state when the field is applied along [111] and explain the features of PZN for an applied field along [001]: large lattice strain, easy onset of the T phase and suppression of the dielectric relaxation for (E ³ 1.5 The microscopic origin of these PNRs could be discussed in relation with recent NMR and structural results reported in other isomorphous relaxors.

7.Cationic competition induces monoclinic phase in high piezoelectric PSN-PT compounds

R. Haumont, B. Dkhil, J.M. Kiat, A. Al-Barakaty, H. Dammak, and L. Bellaiche

Phys. Rev B : 68 (2003) 014114

A global picture for the structural evolution in the relaxor -ferroelectric solid solution (PbSc1/2Nb1/2O3)1-x-(PbTiO3)x, namely PSN-PT is proposed. Thanks to X-Ray profile analysis and Rietveld neutrons powder refinement, a monoclinic phase has been evidenced in the morphotropic region (i.e. x»0.43). This lower symmetry phase ‘bridges’ the rhombohedral Ti-poor phase (x0.26) with the tetragonal Ti-rich phase (x0.55), in a similar way as in PMN-PT or PZN-PT. For weak titanium concentration, we observe a macroscopic rhombohedral state with local monoclinic symmetry resulting from the combination between Pb and Sc/Nb/Ti shifts along [001] and [111] directions respectively. Cationic competition with Ti-doping increases the coherence length of this short ranged monoclinic phase which becomes long ranged in the morphotropic region. This intermediate monoclinic phase is in complete agreement with our first-principles calculations which predict a Pm or a Cm space groups. It has been showed that these ones are very close to each other in the free energy space, and a minor change of atomic distribution and/or a slight modification in composition is enough to alter the space group of the monoclinic ground-state. Finally, in Ti-rich region, the monoclinic ground state is destroyed in favor of a tetragonal phase. Random fields due to the cationic distribution and the competing orderings of the polarization along multiple direction on a mesoscale are found to play a key role on the ground states and their associated electromechanical properties.

6.Domain Engineering of PZN-9%PT Single Crystals and Piezoelectric Related Properties: article

A-E. Renault, H. Dammak, P. Gaucher, M. Pham Thi and G. Calvarin

IEEE catalog number 02CH37341, pp 439-442, Proceeding of the 2002 13th IEEE, ISAF,  (International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics) Nara, JAPAN, May 28-June 1, 2002, Editors: Grady White and Takaki Tsurumi.

The domain configuration and the electromechanical related properties have been studied in Pb[(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09]O3 (PZN-9%PT) single crystals cut along [001] and . It was established that soft (with high d) and hard (with lower d) piezoelectric properties are respectively obtained in a multidomain and a single domain configuration. The softer piezoelectric material (d33 = 2700 pC/N, = 180 pN/m2, k33 = 93%) was found in the monoclinic multidomain state after poling with a small field along [001]. Optimal poling process and electromechanical related properties of the single crystals were discussed in term of the field-temperature diagram.

5.The cubic to rhombohedral phase transition of Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 : a high-resolution X-ray diffraction study on single crystals : article

A. Lebon, H. Dammak, G. Calvarin, I. Ould Ahmedou

J. Phy : Condens. Matter., Vol. 14.(2002) 7035-7043.

The cubic to rhombohedral (C-R) phase transition of the ferroelectric-relaxor Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3O3) (PZN) is investigated using high-resolution X-ray diffraction on single crystals. The phase transition is diffuse and spreads over the temperature range TCR = 385 ± 5 K – TR = 325 ± 5 K. Below TCR, the cubic phase transforms progressively into rhombohedral domains the average size of which, about 60-70 nm in the [111] direction, remains unchanged as temperature is lowered, so no growth of the R-domains is observed. At TR, the nanometric R-domains fully pave the crystal but structural mismatches between adjacent domains generate stresses, which increase as temperature is lowered. The anomalous broadening of diffraction peaks of the R-phase, which originates from size and strain effects, can be suppressed by applying a dc-electric field, along the [111] direction, which transforms the polydomain state into a rhombohedral quasi-monodomain state.


4.Domain structures in Monoclinic PZN-9%PT poled single crystals: article

A-E. Renault, H. Dammak, G. Calvarin, M. Pham Thi and P. Gaucher.

Japanease Journal of Applied Physiscs, 41 (2002) pp 1-5.

A tetragonal (T) « monoclinic (M) phase transition characterized by a wide thermal hysteresis is observed in PZN-PT single crystals close to the morphotropic composition PZN-9%PT. The domain structure of crystals, determined by x-ray diffraction and optical observations, is dependent on the poling crystallographic direction. A monoclinic quasi single-domain structure is obtained by poling along the pseudo-cubic [10] direction whereas an unexpected monoclinic multi-domain state with macroscopic 2mm symmetry can be obtained for [001] poled crystals. Finally it is shown that the largest piezoelectric response corresponds to the monoclinic multi-domain state of [001] poled crystals.

3.Translational and orientational order in Lead Zinc Niobate : an optical and Raman study : article

A. Lebon, M. El Marssi, R. Farhi, H. Dammak and G. Calvarin

J. Appl. Phys. Vol 89, Issue 7, (2001) pp 3947-3954.

Raman and optical experiments have been performed on a lead zinc niobate (Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3 or PZN) single crystal oriented along (111) under zero field cooling (ZFC), and zero field heating after field cooling (ZFH/FC) conditions. At high temperature, the Raman spectra originate from a phonon-polarization coupling whose selection rules depend upon the wavevector of the quasi-static polarization, and that activates modes in the entire Brillouin zone. At room temperature, ferroelectric macro-domains were induced and stabilized under field cooling conditions. Their optically uniaxial behavior along [111], reflects a rhombohedral orientational order. However, Raman analysis shows that a zone center line assignment on the basis of the C3v point group is not appropriate, because of translational symmetry breaking due to chemical and structural disorder. Raman spectroscopy was also performed on a single crystalline sample of PZN oriented along (001). Raman measurements evidence the similarity of the spectra for both crystals in the paraelectric phase. This confirms the idea of a second order-like process. At room temperature, this crystal configuration, with a dc electric field parallel to [001], is found according to Raman experiments to give way to an equivalent distribution of the four rhombohedral domains selected by the applied electric field.

2. Kinetic study of PZN polarization under a static electric field (article)

H. Dammak, A. Lebon and G. Calvarin

Ferroelectrics vol 235 (1999) 151-158 (Proceeding of the second international seminar on Relaxor Ferroelectrics (ISRF II).






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